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About Us

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Meet David Robbins, Quad Citizen, Harley lover, gear head and founder of Dirty Whore Garage, established in 2010. It's kind of a crazy story how we got our start, but basically it all started with a Dirty Whore named Harley Davidson Sportster 1976.


"She was my first bike, she's what I learned to wrench on and we've had a wild ride together, with a few breakdowns along the way," said David. "One day, she left me stranded and so as I'm pushing her along the side of the road, cussing up a storm, calling her really... just about every name in the book, the one thing my buddies said I couldn't stop calling her was a 'dirty whore'. From there, the name kind of just stuck. So eventually, we get back home and I bring her back into my garage and continue to wrench on her over the next couple of weeks and as I'm working on her I'd tell my buddies, 'yeah I'm just wrenching away in the Dirty Whore's Garage'.


Fast forward a few months and a friend of mine had gifted me a shirt that said 'Dirty Whore Garage' on it and everyone loved it... people kept asking where the shirt was from and where they could get one. So we were instantly like 'holy shit, people really like these shirts, lets make more of them' and so as the years have gone by, my bike brothers and I have continued to rep my Dirty Whore Garage merch and as we've expanded and grown over the we've traveled to all sorts of places across the country like Sturgis in South Dakota, Run Of The Ranch in North Carolina,  Devil Stone Run in Wyoming and many other destinations rocking the Dirty Whore Garage brand."  



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